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Safe State Project Restricted Content 

This content is restricted to members, but don't fret!


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What do I get with my yearly membership for just $19.99?

  1. Access to Exclusive Member-Only Content

  2. Safe States Novel Digital Download

  3. Standardized Safe State Countermeasure Manual

  4. Quarterly Newsletter

  5. Safe States Bumper Sticker

Click below to learn more about your membership

Safe State Project Pledge

As a member of the Safe State Project, I/we acknowledge that our undefended risk to a sudden loss of our infrastructures has forced the American people to enact a responsible defense within our communities and states. As a member, I/we pledge to defend our families, to defend our communities, and to petition our local and state governments in the furtherance of statewide countermeasure implementation. 

* Please note that all the content on the Safe State Project website is copyright protected.

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